FYI. Democrats introduce bill to re-instate HMDA low threshold for reporting.

Last year, Congress voted to roll back several measures passed under Dodd-Frank, a law that many in the mortgage industry said created overly burdensome regulations. This relates to HMDA.

Among the changes was a law raising the loan-quality criteria reporting requirement exemption from 25 to 500 mortgages per year and from 100 to 500 home equity loans per year.  So many of you smaller brokers and lenders were exempt.

According to the bills sponsor, Democrat Cortez Masto, the rollback effectively exempted 85% of all banks and credit unions from reporting loan characteristics vital to ensuring lending fairness.

Cortez Masto’s bill would reinstate the Dodd-Frank requirement that any bank making more than 25 mortgage loans or 100 home equity lines of credit per year report detailed characteristics, including interest rates, points and fees and loan terms, as well as borrower characteristics such as credit score and ethnicity.

The bill would also require each loan to receive a unique identifier so it can be tracked if it is sold to an investor.

Just be aware, we will keep you posted. For now, your triggers are still 25 and 100.

Email if any questions.


Nelson A. Locke, Esq

Compliance Services, USA

(800) 656-4584

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