To advise your clients of the recent Equifax NPI mega-breach……

Here is a letter format you can use as either an email or a printed letter. It might be a good idea to include a copy of this with new loan applications for the next 180 days or so. It might even be a good idea to link your website to the below press release, you could do this on your IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE page.


Dear Client,

Equifax announced recently that they had experienced a “cybersecurity incident potentially impacting approximately 143 million US customers.” Because your recent mortgage transaction with us may have involved a credit pull from Equifax, we felt you should read the attached Equifax press release.

Equifax states it has established a dedicated website which can be accessed at this link to help consumers determine if their information has been potentially impacted and to sign up for credit file monitoring and identity theft protection.


Your Name, NMLS Number, Address, and Phone.


Thanks for reading.

Nelson A. Locke, Esq.



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